Arts Aficionado Membership
Help Make an Impact
At TACA we are committed to a singular idea – that the arts are the most inclusive, most engaging way to make an impact on the community. The TACA Arts Aficionados membership program provides a community of like-minded arts supporters and programs for gifts of any size.
What Your Membership Funds
When you give to TACA and the local Dallas arts community, you give life and critical resources in many ways.
Cornerstone arts institutions and new and emerging organizations
Working artists and professionals in dance, theater, spoken word, visual arts, music, and other genres
Creativity, community, arts education, and diversity
The District
Members of The District enjoy a range of benefits that include curated social experiences, insider access, and special offers throughout the year.
TACA Friend Any amount up to $249
- Recognition on Website
- Receive TACA Arts Insider Newsletter
- Single invite to District Socials
TACA Partner $250*
Friend Level Benefits Plus:
- Invitation for you and 2 guests to District Socials
- Receive Dallas Arts District Guide
- Early access to event ticket sales and discounts
TACA Enthusiast $500*
Partner Level Benefits Plus:
- Invitation for you and a guest to Meet the Catalyst programs
- Opportunity to be featured as an Arts Insider Spotlight
TACA Advocate $1,000*^
Enthusiast Level Benefits Plus:
- Complimentary TACA shirt designed by local artist
- Free Patron Magazine Subscription
*Monthly giving options available. Amounts based on 12-month payment period. Shorter payment periods are available as well.
TACA Partner = $21 per month
TACA Enthusiast = $42 per month
TACA Advocate = $84 per month
^Gifts of $2,500 and higher qualify for TACA’s Founders Circle levels and benefits.
Founders Circle
Founders Circle has long served as the backbone of TACA’s mission and arts programming, providing financial, community, and social capital needed to invest in the current and future endeavors of our arts partners and beneficiaries. In return, we commit to engaging you more deeply with the local Dallas arts community.
TACA Promoter $2,500
- Recognition as a supporter of TACA’s leadership and capacity-building programs
- Two complimentary TACA t-shirts designed by a local artist
- Fall Arts Crawl Series – Ticket Package and Single Ticket Pre-Sale access and discount
- Opportunity for host recognition at a District Social
- Two complimentary tickets to attend all Meet the Catalysts programs
- Invitations to attend District Socials
- Entry in The District Contests and Drawings
- Special recognition as a Founders Circle member on the TACA website
- TACA Arts Insider E-News distribution
TACA Founder $5,000
Promoter Level Benefits Plus:
- Access to members-old Silver Cup Award Luncheon pricing for tables and tickets
- Eligible for a Silver Cup Award Luncheon Founders Circle upgrade (with luncheon table or ticket purchase)
- Invitation to a TACA Catalyst Club Engagement (subject to availability)
- Invitations to attend TACA grantmaking program receptions
TACA Collaborator $10,000
Founder Level Benefits Plus:
- Invitation to the TACA Silver Cup Award Honoree Announcement Reception (October 2023)
TACA Benefactor $15,000
Collaborator Level Benefits Plus:
- Access to members-old Silver Cup Award Luncheon pricing for tables and tickets
- Eligible for a Silver Cup Award Luncheon Founders Circle upgrade (with luncheon table or ticket purchase)
- Invitation to a TACA Catalyst Club Engagement (subject to availability)
- Invitations to attend TACA grantmaking program receptions
Catalyst Club
TACA is pleased to announce its new major donor membership engagement and appreciation initiative, the TACA Catalyst Club, exclusively for TACA investors that give or pledge $25,000 or more a year or over two-to-three years. At TACA, we firmly believe that there is ART in membership. The Dallas arts community is a seamless intersection for connectivity, social and business enterprise, and culture and creativity – and as a Catalyst Club member you’ll be at the center of it.
Built on the history of the TACA Founders Circle as a social club, we invite you to join us in celebrating TACA and unlocking the ART of membership as part of our Catalyst Club.
Ready to join or need more information?
Please contact James Jenner, Director of Development, and or 214.520.3930.
Our Supporters
Catalyst Club Supporters
TACA Vanguard ($1M+)
March Family Foundation
TACA Touchstone ($250,000)
Eugene McDermott Foundation
TACA President and Executive Director Fund
Donna Wilhelm Family Fund
TACA Innovator ($100,000)
Communities Foundation of Texas
Anne Davidson
Gene and Jerry Jones Family Foundation
Kathy and Greg Nelson
Texas Instruments Foundation
TACA Catalysts ($50,000)
PNC Foundation
TACA Investors ($25,000)
Jennifer and Peter Altabef
Bank of America
Diane and Hal Brierley
M.R. & Evelyn Hudson Foundation
Melinda and James Johnson
Kohl Foundation
Tara Lewis and John Swords
Kate and Keith Newman
Sapphire Foundation
Lacy and Clayton Sands/Rosewood Foundation
*Gifts, grants, and charitable contributions June 2023 – June 2024
Founders Circle Supporters
TACA Collaborator | $10,000
Purvi and Bill Albers
Jennifer and John Eagle
TACA Founder | $5,000
Barbara and Steve Durham/Durham Family Foundation
Kristy and Raymond Faus
Sherri and John Edrington
Sheilon King
Deborah McMurray and Glen Davison
Deborah and Jim Nugent
Stephanie Schneidler and Jeffrey Robinson
Ruth Robinson
Betty and Steve Suellentrop
Jill Tananbaum
TurningPoint Foundation
TACA Promoter | $2,500
All Stars Project, Inc./Gabrielle Kurlander and Chris Street
Cheryl Alston
The Anderson Family Philanthropic Fund
Patricia Crocker
Curtis Specialized Moving and Storage**
Matrice Ellis Kirk
Haviv and Ronit Ilan
Ms. Angela D. Paulos
Southwestern Medical Foundation/Michael McMahan
Carrie and Andy Teller
Lynn Wisdom
Katie and Kurt Wolber
*Gifts, grants, and charitable contributions November 2023 – November 2024
**Indicates Gift In-Kind
The District Supporters
TACA Advocates ($1,000-$2,499)
Pamela K. Acker
Anne and Larry Angelilli
Tracey Barclay
Meredith and David Camp
Grace Cook
Deirdre Drake
Laura and Jim Einspanier
Julie and Bob England
Florence Foundation
Barbara Lake
Jani and Jeff Leuschel
Michelle, Rachel, and Matthew Mazzini
Sonja McGill
Amy and Michael Meadows
Donovan Miller & Aaron Thomas
Karol and Larry Omlor
Ann Marie Painter
Katie Robbins
Sam Self
Lucas Shelton and Gregory Oertel
Jamie Winholtz and Andrew McGehee
Ryne Young
TACA Enthusiast ($500-$999)
Ida Jane and Doug Bailey
Lani Burgar
Alina and Ruben Esquivel
Read and Steven Gendler
Globe Life, Inc.
Sarah Hansen
Nicole and Nico Leone
Victoria and Chris Newell
Stephanie and David Russakov
Deborah and Craig Sutton
Brandy Wicker
TACA Partner ($250-$499)
Mark Agnew
Heather and Ray Balestri
David Cadwallader
Elizabeth Dacus
Marti DuBuisson
Robyn Flatt
Jennifer Fordham Blanco
Joyce Goss
Rusty and John Jaggers
James Jillson
Jani and Jeff Leuschel
Veletta Forsythe Lill
Scott Jordan and Tim Myrick
Michael L. Kaufman
David Leggett
Barbara and Stan Levenson
Pam and David Luther
Jill Magnuson
Suzanne and Jamie Smith
Andy Smith and Paul von Wupperfeld
Rob Swift
Meredith Wallace
Patrick D. Willis
TACA Ally ($125-$249)
Pat Baldwin
Mary Brinegar
L. Louise Delano
Steven Engwall
Rita Sue and Alan Gold
Susan Hicks
Gina Myers
Liz Pereira
Kathryn Ringer
TACA Friend ($1-$124)
Arts FMS
Kymberlaine Banks
Zaida Basora
Dennis Bolin
Sara Cardona
Joanna Clarke
Rachel Currie Triska
Liz D’Aloia
Steve Danner
Hector Garcia
Madan Goyal
Harrah LLC
Marty Holtman
Daniel Jacob
Jill Louis
Michelle Mai
John McBride
Toni Miller
Lynne Richardson
Clint Riley
Christina Steffey
Whitney Strauss
Wendy and Jeremy Strick
Kristi Tomenga
Emma Vernon
Rhonda Williams
Richards Wills
*Gifts, grants, and charitable contributions November 2023 – November 2024