Our Latest News & Stories
Stay current with the most recent news from TACA – grant announcements, signature fundraising event updates, and other exciting stories.
March & April 2022 Pop-Up Grant Announcement
Celebrating Our March & April Pop-Up Grant Recipients Voices of strength join forces, visual art finds its legs (and leaps), a family classic delights a new generation, and sound takes on…
Brave New Audience – Millennial Guidebook
DownloadYear: 2018Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Marketing & Communications
DownloadYear: 2020Source: SMU DataArts & TRG ArtsTopic: COVID-19
Collaboration as a Key to Success in the 21st Century
DownloadYear: 2018Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Collaboration
Making Sense of Cultural Equity
DownloadYear: 2017Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
Removing Blindspots from Organizational Behavior
DownloadYear: 2017Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
DownloadYear: 2017Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Collaboration
Strategies for Creating Loyal Audiences
DownloadYear: 2017Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Audience Engagement
DownloadYear: 2016Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Marketing/Communications
Cultural Data Profile (CDP) Case Building Worksheet
DownloadYear: 2015Source: Amplifier WorkshopTopic: Marketing/Communications